
from Alabama founded in 1933

Found 9 results (0.02 seconds)

State Farm Life Insurance Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-856-627

American Re-Insurance Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-812-477

Mechanics and Traders Insurance Company

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-770-432

Builders and Manufacturers Mutual Casualty

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-721-841

The Ohio National Life Ins. Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-780-183

German Beneficial Union

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-749-467

The Ohio Casualty Insurance Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-779-361

Puritan Insurance Company

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-768-836

Phoenix Indemnity Co.

ActiveUnited States > Alabama > 000-782-750




2009 (31)
2008 (21)
2007 (24)
2006 (13)
2002 (20)
1998 (16)
1996 (11)
1995 (21)
1994 (13)
1993 (12)
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1991 (21)
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1989 (25)
1988 (30)
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1986 (27)
1985 (26)
1984 (23)
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1982 (46)
1981 (44)
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1979 (23)
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1966 (38)
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1963 (28)
1962 (33)
1961 (20)
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1953 (22)
1952 (24)
1951 (24)
1950 (28)
1949 (16)
1948 (13)
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1946 (18)
1945 (14)
1944 (14)
1940 (11)
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1938 (35)
1937 (13)
1936 (10)
1934 (12)
1930 (27)
1929 (41)
1928 (19)
1925 (15)
1850 (41)
