Prezentare generală


Date de contact6


Informații fiscale



Acte permisive6

Companii conexe1


Factori de risc

ArrowActivități? / 2

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ArrowOrganizații financiare? / 3

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Aflați toate informațiile despre LHS spol. s r.o.
obținând acces complet

Ultima actualizare: Iun. 22, 2024

LHS spol. s r.o.


nu este în curs de lichidare la data de 22 Iun. 2024

Societate cu răspundere limitată

Republica Cehă 02 Oct. 1992 (acum 32 ani)

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DenumireLHS spol. s r.o.
  • ActiveActivă
AutoritateaActiveRepublica Cehă
Numărul companieiCode46973036
Data înfiinţării02 Oct. 1992 (acum 32 ani) / 456 companii cu aceeași dată
Capital social subscris102 000,00 CZK
Plătit în capitalul social100 %
Forma juridicăSocietate cu răspundere limitată
Obiecte de activitate

Date de contact

Adresa juridicăStavební 4085/4, Hodonín, 69501, Czechia
  • +42*************
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  • +42*************
  • +42*************
  • kou*******************************
  • sta*********************************



IndividualRepublica Cehă

Martin Hruška

Director general

A preluat funcția pe10 Dec. 2020


IndividualRepublica Cehă

Martin Hruška


A preluat funcția pe10 Dec. 2020

Accesați informații complete despre companie - înregistrați-vă acum.

Alăturați-vă celor peste 50.000 de întreprinderi care utilizează deja B2BHint.


Informații fiscale

Nr. Angajați10 - 19


Scope of business

- koupě zboží za účelem jeho dalšího prodeje a prodej - stavitel

02 Oct. 1992 - 23 Iun. 1999

Brněnská 48, Hodonín, Česká republika

02 Oct. 1992 - 25 Ian. 2006
Registered capital

Investment: 102 000,00 CZK

23 Iun. 1999 - 25 Ian. 2006

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TipData emiterii
Road transport - haulage operated by means of motor vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight above 3.5 tonnes, where intended for animal and goods transport, - passenger transport operated by means of vehicles designed for carrying more than 9 persons including the driver, - haulage operated by means of motor vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes, where intended for animal and goods transport, - passenger transport operated by means of vehicles designed for carrying not more than 9 persons including the driver04 Ian. 2000
Manufacture, trade and services not specified in Annexes 1 to 3 to the Trade Licensing Act02 Oct. 1992
Bricklaying10 Aug. 2009

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Acte permisive

NumărTipData emiterii
1007313935Road transport - haulage operated by means of motor vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight above 5 tonnes, where intended for animal and goods transport, - passenger transport operated by means of vehicles designed for carrying more than 9 persons including the driver, - haulage operated by means of motor vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight not exceeding 5 tonnes, where intended for animal and goods transport, - passenger transport operated by means of vehicles designed for carrying not more than 9 persons including the driver04 Mai 2005
1007313951Road transport - haulage operated by means of motor vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight above 5 tonnes, where intended for animal and goods transport, - passenger transport operated by means of vehicles designed for carrying more than 9 persons including the driver, - haulage operated by means of motor vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight not exceeding 5 tonnes, where intended for animal and goods transport, - passenger transport operated by means of vehicles designed for carrying not more than 9 persons including the driver04 Ian. 2000
1007313943Road transport - haulage operated by means of motor vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight above 5 tonnes, where intended for animal and goods transport, - passenger transport operated by means of vehicles designed for carrying more than 9 persons including the driver, - haulage operated by means of motor vehicles or combinations of vehicles with a maximum permissible weight not exceeding 5 tonnes, where intended for animal and goods transport, - passenger transport operated by means of vehicles designed for carrying not more than 9 persons including the driver04 Apr. 2004

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Întrebări frecvente

Unde este sediul central al LHS spol. s r.o.?

Sediul central al LHS spol. s r.o. se află la Stavební 4085/4, Hodonín, 69501, Czechia.

Care este sectorul de activitate al LHS spol. s r.o.?

LHS spol. s r.o. este în industria de Comerţ cu amănuntul în magazine nespecializate

Câți angajați are LHS spol. s r.o.?

LHS spol. s r.o. are 10 - 19 angajați

În ce an a fost înființat LHS spol. s r.o.?

LHS spol. s r.o. a fost înființată în 1992

Surse: Administrativní registr ekonomických subjektů