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Ultima actualizare: Iul. 02, 2023

ابن الحسيني للتجارة


nu este în curs de lichidare la data de 2 Iul. 2023

Individual Firm / Merchant

Oman 20 Dec. 1997 (acum 26 ani)

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Denumireابن الحسيني للتجارة
  • ActiveActive
Numărul companieiCode1580094
Data înfiinţării20 Dec. 1997 (acum 26 ani) / 6 companii cu aceeași dată
Capital social subscris35,000.000
Forma juridicăIndividual Firm / Merchant
Obiecte de activitate
  • Secundare:
  • #475903 - Retail sale in specialized stores of household appliances (refrigirators, kitchen equipment etc.)
  • #452015 - Motor vehicle inspection by computer
  • #410001 - Construction of buildings (general constructions of residential and non-residential buildings)
  • #452012 - Repair of vehicle excels and brake
  • #474201 - Retail sale in specialized stores of household appliances (radio, television etc.)
  • #452003 - Electrical repairs of motor vehicle
  • #453001 - Sale of new motor vehicle spare parts and accessories
  • #452001 - Repair, polishing and painting of motors vehicles
  • #453002 - Sale of second hand motor vehicle spare parts and accessories (scrap cars)

Date de contact

Adresa juridicăMuscat Governorate / Al Seeb / As Seeb, Postal Code 132, P.O. Box 545

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Alăturați-vă celor peste 50.000 de întreprinderi care utilizează deja B2BHint.


Informații fiscale

Data de încheiere a anului financiar31 December


NumărTipData emiterii
L1529357452003, -, Electrical, repairs, of, motor, vehicle, 452012, -, Repair, of, vehicle, excels, and, brake, 452015, -, Motor, vehicle, inspection, by, computer08 Aug. 2021
L1130257410001, -, Construction, of, buildings, (general, constructions, of, residential, and, non-residential, buildings)17 Ian. 2019
L1302613410001, -, Construction, of, buildings, (general, constructions, of, residential, and, non-residential, buildings)12 Aug. 2020

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Întrebări frecvente

Unde este sediul central al ابن الحسيني للتجارة?

Sediul central al ابن الحسيني للتجارة se află la Muscat Governorate / Al Seeb / As Seeb, Postal Code 132, P.O. Box 545.

Care este sectorul de activitate al ابن الحسيني للتجارة?

ابن الحسيني للتجارة este în industria de Retail sale in specialized stores of household appliances (refrigirators, kitchen equipment etc.)

În ce an a fost înființat ابن الحسيني للتجارة?

ابن الحسيني للتجارة a fost înființată în 1997