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Aflați toate informațiile despre المدد للتجاره والمقاولات
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Ultima actualizare: Iul. 02, 2023

المدد للتجاره والمقاولات


nu este în curs de lichidare la data de 2 Iul. 2023

Limited Liability Company

Oman 19 Febr. 1997 (acum 27 ani)

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Denumireالمدد للتجاره والمقاولات
  • ActiveActive
Numărul companieiCode1547569
Data înfiinţării19 Febr. 1997 (acum 27 ani) / 23 companii cu aceeași dată
Capital social subscris150,000.000
Valoarea acțiunilor1.000
Acțiuni emise150,000.000
Forma juridicăLimited Liability Company
Obiecte de activitate
  • Secundare:
  • #477101 - Retail sale in specialized stores of ready-made garments
  • #162207 - Manufacture of various wooden products (carpentry workshops)
  • #475903 - Retail sale in specialized stores of household appliances (refrigirators, kitchen equipment etc.)
  • #475301 - Retail sale in specialized stores of carpets and rugs
  • #474201 - Retail sale in specialized stores of household appliances (radio, television etc.)
  • #131302 - Preparing textiles, textile articles and yarns (by dressing, drying, steaming, shrinking, mending, sanforizing, mercerizing of textiles and textile articles)
  • #463010 - Wholesale of miscellaneous food products (including drinks)
  • #464901 - Wholesale of furniture
  • #464101 - Wholesale of fabrics
  • #141006 - Tailoring of arabic and non-arab women's clothes
  • #477320 - Retail sale in specialized stores of luxuries
  • #475101 - Retail sale in specialized stores of textiles and fabrics
  • #410001 - Construction of buildings (general constructions of residential and non-residential buildings)
  • #472101 - Retail sale in specialized stores of fresh fruit, vegetables and dates
  • #812901 - Specialized cleaning and exterior cleaning of buildings
  • #139202 - Manufacture of curtains (including tailoring)
  • #477102 - Retail sale in specialized stores of footwear
  • #812100 - General cleaning of buildings
  • #475901 - Retail sale in specialized stores of household furniture
  • #461003 - Activities of export and import offices
  • #477202 - Retail sale in specialized stores of perfumes, cosmetics, toilet soap and bakhoor
  • #931101 - Fitness centers
  • #472103 - Retail sale in specialized stores of meat and meat proucts
  • #461004 - Trading business agencies (excluding portfolio and security exchange)

Date de contact

Adresa juridicăMuscat Governorate / Al Seeb / As Seeb, Postal Code 111, P.O. Box 1801
  • 997*****




Teckchand Bhagwandas Ramchandani

Limited Liability Partner

Cota proprietarului30%

Numărul de acțiuni45000



Abdulrab Abdulrasool Juma Al Raisi

Limited Liability Partner

Cota proprietarului40%

Numărul de acțiuni60000

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Alăturați-vă celor peste 50.000 de întreprinderi care utilizează deja B2BHint.


Informații fiscale

Data de încheiere a anului financiar31 December


NumărTipData emiterii
L2060978475101, -, Retail, sale, in, specialized, stores, of, textiles, and, fabrics14 Febr. 2023
L2121677475101, -, Retail, sale, in, specialized, stores, of, textiles, and, fabrics25 Apr. 2023
L1664495475301, -, Retail, sale, in, specialized, stores, of, carpets, and, rugs, 475901, -, Retail, sale, in, specialized, stores, of, household, furniture07 Dec. 2021

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Întrebări frecvente

Unde este sediul central al المدد للتجاره والمقاولات?

Sediul central al المدد للتجاره والمقاولات se află la Muscat Governorate / Al Seeb / As Seeb, Postal Code 111, P.O. Box 1801.

Care este sectorul de activitate al المدد للتجاره والمقاولات?

المدد للتجاره والمقاولات este în industria de Retail sale in specialized stores of ready-made garments

În ce an a fost înființat المدد للتجاره والمقاولات?

المدد للتجاره والمقاولات a fost înființată în 1997