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Aflați toate informațiile despre خليفه بن سليمان بن محمد الجابري للتجارة
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Ultima actualizare: Ian. 30, 2024

خليفه بن سليمان بن محمد الجابري للتجارة


nu este în curs de lichidare la data de 30 Ian. 2024

Sole Proprietor Company

Oman 17 Oct. 2006 (acum 18 ani)

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Denumireخليفه بن سليمان بن محمد الجابري للتجارة
  • ActiveActive
Numărul companieiCode1007110
Data înfiinţării17 Oct. 2006 (acum 18 ani) / 50 companii cu aceeași dată
Capital social subscris20,000.000
Valoarea acțiunilor1.000
Acțiuni emise20,000.000
Forma juridicăSole Proprietor Company
Obiecte de activitate
  • Secundare:
  • #561001 - Restaurants
  • #563001 - Cafés (cafes that offer mainly drinks)
  • #410001 - Construction of buildings (general constructions of residential and non-residential buildings)
  • #492301 - Trucking of Goods and Equipment (Scheduled - Unscheduled)
  • #812100 - General cleaning of buildings
  • #812901 - Specialized cleaning and exterior cleaning of buildings
  • #433003 - Plastering, painting and decorating
  • #562901 - Catering activities
  • #749014 - Appraisal and valuation of assets and property other than for real estate and insurance (for antiques, jewellery etc.)
  • #682002 - Appraisal services for real estate
  • #561007 - Cafés (cafes that offer meals mainly)
  • #239501 - Manufacture of hollow cement blocks and tiles
  • #251105 - Manufacture and installation of metal products made of parts in the same unit used in construction such as doors, windows and their frames, shutters and gates (metal workshops)
  • #461003 - Activities of export and import offices

Date de contact

Adresa juridicăNorth Al Batinah Governorate / Sohar / Sohar, Postal Code 322, P.O. Box 38
  • ksm***************
  • 967*****




Khalifa Sulaiman Mohammed Al Jabri

Limited Liability Partner

Cota proprietarului100%

Numărul de acțiuni20000

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Alăturați-vă celor peste 50.000 de întreprinderi care utilizează deja B2BHint.


Informații fiscale

Data de încheiere a anului financiar31 December


NumărTipData emiterii
L1258318410001, -, Construction, of, buildings, (general, constructions, of, residential, and, non-residential, buildings), 433003, -, Plastering,, painting, and, decorating09 Febr. 2020

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Întrebări frecvente

Unde este sediul central al خليفه بن سليمان بن محمد الجابري للتجارة?

Sediul central al خليفه بن سليمان بن محمد الجابري للتجارة se află la North Al Batinah Governorate / Sohar / Sohar, Postal Code 322, P.O. Box 38.

Care este sectorul de activitate al خليفه بن سليمان بن محمد الجابري للتجارة?

خليفه بن سليمان بن محمد الجابري للتجارة este în industria de Restaurants

În ce an a fost înființat خليفه بن سليمان بن محمد الجابري للتجارة?

خليفه بن سليمان بن محمد الجابري للتجارة a fost înființată în 2006