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Aflați toate informațiile despre موسسة السمساق للتجارة -
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Ultima actualizare: Ian. 30, 2024

موسسة السمساق للتجارة -


nu este în curs de lichidare la data de 30 Ian. 2024

Sole Proprietor Company

Oman 25 Iul. 2006 (acum 18 ani)

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Denumireموسسة السمساق للتجارة -
  • ActiveActive
Numărul companieiCode1002879
Data înfiinţării25 Iul. 2006 (acum 18 ani) / 54 companii cu aceeași dată
Capital social subscris20,000.000
Valoarea acțiunilor1.000
Acțiuni emise20,000.000
Forma juridicăSole Proprietor Company
Obiecte de activitate
  • Secundare:
  • #475903 - Retail sale in specialized stores of household appliances (refrigirators, kitchen equipment etc.)
  • #812901 - Specialized cleaning and exterior cleaning of buildings
  • #453001 - Sale of new motor vehicle spare parts and accessories
  • #474105 - Retail sale in specialized stores of software and computer accessories
  • #812100 - General cleaning of buildings
  • #410001 - Construction of buildings (general constructions of residential and non-residential buildings)
  • #474102 - Retail sale in specialized stores of computers and non-customized software
  • #477104 - Retail sale in specialized stores of omani masar and kumah
  • #477101 - Retail sale in specialized stores of ready-made garments
  • #464902 - Wholesale of household appliances, radio, television etc.
  • #452012 - Repair of vehicle excels and brake
  • #474201 - Retail sale in specialized stores of household appliances (radio, television etc.)
  • #477304 - Retail sale in specialized stores of souvenirs, paintings, antiques and gifts

Date de contact

Adresa juridicăMuscat Governorate / Muttrah / Ruwi, Postal Code 113, P.O. Box 690
  • 247*****




Sidiqi Mohammad Uzair

Authorized Manager



Muadh Sulaiman Salim Al Zadjali

Authorized Partner

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Informații fiscale

Data de încheiere a anului financiar31 December


NumărTipData emiterii
L1538688477104, -, Retail, sale, in, specialized, stores, of, omani, masar, and, kumah24 Iul. 2022
L1538688477104, -, Retail, sale, in, specialized, stores, of, omani, masar, and, kumah19 Aug. 2021

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Întrebări frecvente

Unde este sediul central al موسسة السمساق للتجارة -?

Sediul central al موسسة السمساق للتجارة - se află la Muscat Governorate / Muttrah / Ruwi, Postal Code 113, P.O. Box 690.

Care este sectorul de activitate al موسسة السمساق للتجارة -?

موسسة السمساق للتجارة - este în industria de Retail sale in specialized stores of household appliances (refrigirators, kitchen equipment etc.)

În ce an a fost înființat موسسة السمساق للتجارة -?

موسسة السمساق للتجارة - a fost înființată în 2006