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Aflați toate informațiile despre شركة ابناء مدعام للتجارة
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Ultima actualizare: Febr. 02, 2024

شركة ابناء مدعام للتجارة


nu este în curs de lichidare la data de 2 Febr. 2024

Joint Partnership

Oman 19 Iul. 2011 (acum 13 ani)

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Denumireشركة ابناء مدعام للتجارة
  • ActiveActive
Numărul companieiCode1116507
Data înfiinţării19 Iul. 2011 (acum 13 ani) / 134 companii cu aceeași dată
Capital social subscris20,000.000
Valoarea acțiunilor1.000
Acțiuni emise20,000.000
Forma juridicăJoint Partnership
Obiecte de activitate
  • Secundare:
  • #960201 - Hair trimming and cutting , hairdressing, shaving and beard trimming for men
  • #014901 - Bee-keeping and production of honey and beeswax
  • #475204 - Retail sale in specialized storesk of sanitaryware and their fittings
  • #251105 - Manufacture and installation of metal products made of parts in the same unit used in construction such as doors, windows and their frames, shutters and gates (metal workshops)
  • #452007 - Service stations of washing and lubrication of motor vehicle
  • #475207 - Retail sale in specialized stores of construction materials
  • #452001 - Repair, polishing and painting of motors vehicles
  • #960101 - Laundering of all kinds of clothing (including fur) and textiles
  • #475205 - Retail sale in specialized stores of electrical equipments and their fittings
  • #251106 - Aluminium workshops
  • #960103 - Ironing of clothing

Date de contact

Adresa juridicăNorth Al Sharqiya Governorate / Ibra / Ibra, Postal Code 400, P.O. Box 112
  • alm******************
  • 920*****




Khalid Ali 'abdullah Mohammed Al Maskari

Joint Partner

Cota proprietarului50%

Numărul de acțiuni10000

Accesați informații complete despre companie - înregistrați-vă acum.

Alăturați-vă celor peste 50.000 de întreprinderi care utilizează deja B2BHint.


Informații fiscale

Data de încheiere a anului financiar31 December


NumărTipData emiterii
L1386010251105, -, Manufacture, and, installation, of, metal, products, made, of, parts, in, the, same, unit, used, in, construction, such, as, doors,, windows, and, their, frames,, shutters, and, gates, (metal, workshops)16 Dec. 2020
L1386010251105, -, Metal, Workshops16 Dec. 2020
L1432460475204, -, Retail, sale, in, specialized, storesk, of, sanitaryware, and, their, fittings, 475205, -, Retail, sale, in, specialized, stores, of, electrical, equipments, and, their, fittings, 475207, -, Retail, sale, in, specialized, stores, of, construction, materials25 Febr. 2021

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Întrebări frecvente

Unde este sediul central al شركة ابناء مدعام للتجارة?

Sediul central al شركة ابناء مدعام للتجارة se află la North Al Sharqiya Governorate / Ibra / Ibra, Postal Code 400, P.O. Box 112.

Care este sectorul de activitate al شركة ابناء مدعام للتجارة?

شركة ابناء مدعام للتجارة este în industria de Hair trimming and cutting , hairdressing, shaving and beard trimming for men

În ce an a fost înființat شركة ابناء مدعام للتجارة?

شركة ابناء مدعام للتجارة a fost înființată în 2011