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Aflați toate informațiile despre شركة فيد ريشى ستيرلنج باتكو
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Ultima actualizare: Ian. 31, 2024

شركة فيد ريشى ستيرلنج باتكو


nu este în curs de lichidare la data de 31 Ian. 2024

Limited Liability Company

Oman 06 Oct. 2007 (acum 17 ani)

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Denumireشركة فيد ريشى ستيرلنج باتكو
  • ActiveSuspended
Numărul companieiCode1027953
Data înfiinţării06 Oct. 2007 (acum 17 ani) / 61 companii cu aceeași dată
Capital social subscris1,000,000.000
Valoarea acțiunilor1.000
Acțiuni emise1,000,000.000
Forma juridicăLimited Liability Company
Obiecte de activitate
  • Secundare:
  • #439001 - Construction of foundations and structures, concrete work, brick laying, scaffolding, roof covering etc.
  • #421001 - Construction of roads (including roads, bridges and tunnels)
  • #461004 - Trading business agencies (excluding portfolio and security exchange)
  • #422002 - Construction of water, electricity amd telephone networks and stations
  • #410001 - Construction of buildings (general constructions of residential and non-residential buildings)
  • #422001 - Construction of Sewer Systems

Date de contact

Adresa juridicăMuscat Governorate / Bousher / Al Qurm, Postal Code 112, P.O. Box 793
  • m.s********************
  • fsb*****************
  • 992*****
  • 917*****




Batco Holding Sal

Limited Liability Partner

Cota proprietarului51%

Numărul de acțiuni510000



Itinera S.p.a

Limited Liability Partner

Cota proprietarului49%

Numărul de acțiuni490000

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Alăturați-vă celor peste 50.000 de întreprinderi care utilizează deja B2BHint.


Informații fiscale

Data de încheiere a anului financiar31 December


NumărTipData emiterii
L574592410001, -, Construction, of, buildings, (general, constructions, of, residential, and, non-residential, buildings), 421001, -, Construction, of, roads, (including, roads,, bridges, and, tunnels), 422001, -, Construction, of, Sewer, Systems, 422002, -, Construction, of, water,, electricity, amd, telephone, networks, and, stations, 439001, -, Construction, of, foundations, and, structures,, concrete, work,, brick, laying,, scaffolding,, roof, covering, etc.22 Ian. 2019
L574592410001, -, Construction, of, buildings, (general, constructions, of, residential, and, non-residential, buildings), 421001, -, Construction, of, roads, (including, roads,, bridges, and, tunnels), 422001, -, Construction, of, Sewer, Systems, 422002, -, Construction, of, water,, electricity, amd, telephone, networks, and, stations, 439001, -, Construction, of, foundations, and, structures,, concrete, work,, brick, laying,, scaffolding,, roof, covering, etc.04 Mart. 2020
L574592410001, -, Construction, of, buildings, (general, constructions, of, residential, and, non-residential, buildings), 422002, -, Construction, of, water,, electricity, amd, telephone, networks, and, stations, 439001, -, Construction, of, foundations, and, structures,, concrete, work,, brick, laying,, scaffolding,, roof, covering, etc., 421001, -, Construction, of, roads, (including, roads,, bridges, and, tunnels), 422001, -, Construction, of, Sewer, Systems19 Mart. 2017

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Întrebări frecvente

Unde este sediul central al شركة فيد ريشى ستيرلنج باتكو?

Sediul central al شركة فيد ريشى ستيرلنج باتكو se află la Muscat Governorate / Bousher / Al Qurm, Postal Code 112, P.O. Box 793.

Care este sectorul de activitate al شركة فيد ريشى ستيرلنج باتكو?

شركة فيد ريشى ستيرلنج باتكو este în industria de Construction of foundations and structures, concrete work, brick laying, scaffolding, roof covering etc.

În ce an a fost înființat شركة فيد ريشى ستيرلنج باتكو?

شركة فيد ريشى ستيرلنج باتكو a fost înființată în 2007